Tuesday, June 16, 2015

So Unionized

So, before we address the results of lengthy bargaining sessions between our union and the school district, I would like to tell you about an episode of Netflix's first season of Orange Is The New Black.

In this episode, the warden organizes elections for inmates to pick representatives. He then invites those representatives in his office to hear their concerns and suggestions. He starts the meeting by offering them doughnuts, then asks them to state their concerns. He takes copious notes, then states that implementing measures to improve things under the current budget would mean that he could not afford to bring doughnuts at meetings anymore. Everyone then understands that nothing will change and that the election and the committee were just a way for the warden to give inmates the illusion they were being heard.

Now, I believe I wanted to talk about the bargaining sessions between the union and the district... Or did I just do that? Sometimes I can be so easily distracted...

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