Sunday, May 10, 2015

So Stereotypical

Very soon, our Superintendent will go head a smaller district to the north of us. Everyone keeps pretending it is all very natural for people to leave a high paying job for a less-high paying job, so I shall just ignore my natural instinct to imagine nasty reasons why he would have had to resign.
Our New Superintendent

Our school board picked a successor already. It was communicated to the plebs by releasing white smoke from the chimney at the district offices. Their pick is an Italian dude who used to teach in Orlando, decided he wanted to rise through the ranks, and ended up at the helm of Fulton County schools in Georgia. The guy, among all his degrees and certifications, holds a BS in Behavior Disorders. I kid you not. No surprise then that he was chosen to lead the asylum for demented clowns that is the SDPBC.

If we are to believe Italian stereotypes, parents better pay their kids' lunches on time, or else...
There is also a likelihood that pizza and spaghetti will be featured more often on the menu. The dress code for students will now include Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci. Teacher work rooms will feature espresso machines instead of the sad old drip ones. At parent/teacher conferences, expect all teachers to smoke cigarettes and to utter things like "thatsa spicy meatball!" or "shadappaya face!" They might also sport a mustache and wear overalls.

I can't wait for the day our new leader will park his Lamborghini at the Taj and start making us offers we can't refuse.

So Different

So, I figured I should substitute from time to time, at least to keep in touch with the world of education, if not to earn a modest income t...